Tournament Information


  • 32 Players Invitational
  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck, 15 Cards Side Deck

Full Standings

Decktype Breakdown

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $200

1st Place –

44 cards
2 copies
Effect Veiler
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Mannadium Meek
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Fairy Tail - Snow
Fallen of Albaz
3 copies
Scareclaw Reichheart
3 copies
Mannadium Riumheart
3 copies
Visas Starfrost
Bystial Druiswurm
Bystial Magnamhut
Reinforcement of the Army
3 copies
Triple Tactics Talent
Branded Fusion
Scareclaw Arrival
3 copies
Mannadium Abscission
Mannadium Imaginings
Primitive Planet Reichphobia
Primeval Planet Perlereino
3 copies
Peaceful Planet Calarium
2 copies
Called by the Grave
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Sprind the Irondash Dragon
Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon
Albion the Sanctifire Dragon
2 copies
Vicious Astraloud
Mannadium Trisukta
Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
Visas Amritara
Baronne de Fleur
Icejade Gymir Aegirine
Bystial Dis Pater
Scareclaw Light-Heart
Predaplant Verte Anaconda
Spright Elf
Side Deck
2 copies
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
Victorica, Angel of Bravery
3 copies
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
3 copies
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Harpie's Feather Duster
Lightning Storm
Triple Tactics Thrust
2 copies
Red Reboot
Mannadium Reframing

2nd Place –

40 cards
2 copies
Effect Veiler
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Traptrix Myrmeleo
2 copies
Traptrix Dionaea
3 copies
Traptrix Mantis
2 copies
Traptrix Arachnocampa
3 copies
Traptrix Pudica
2 copies
Dimension Shifter
Pot of Prosperity
2 copies
Traptrip Garden
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Bottomless Trap Hole
2 copies
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
Floodgate Trap Hole
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Gravedigger's Trap Hole
3 copies
Traptrix Holeutea
Abyss Dweller
Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Traptrix Rafflesia
Time Thief Redoer
Traptrix Allomerus
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
2 copies
Traptrix Pinguicula
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
3 copies
Traptrix Sera
I:P Masquerena
S:P Little Knight
Traptrix Atypus
Side Deck
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion
2 copies
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
2 copies
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Harpie's Feather Duster
3 copies
Evenly Matched
2 copies
Anti-Spell Fragrance
3 copies
Solemn Judgment

3rd/4th Place –

40 cards
3 copies
Effect Veiler
2 copies
Snake-Eye Ash
Snake-Eye Birch
Snake-Eye Oak
3 copies
Snake-Eyes Poplar
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Diabellstar the Black Witch
2 copies
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon
2 copies
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
One for One
2 copies
Triple Tactics Talent
Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye
3 copies
Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye
2 copies
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
Salamangreat Raging Phoenix
Relinquished Anima
Knightmare Phoenix
Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
I:P Masquerena
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
2 copies
S:P Little Knight
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker
Worldsea Dragon Zealantis
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
Side Deck
2 copies
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
2 copies
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Harpie's Feather Duster
2 copies
Change of Heart
3 copies
Evenly Matched
2 copies
Anti-Spell Fragrance
2 copies
Red Reboot