Notes & Combos
Hey guys! This time, I'm playing Virtual World for a change-up! :D I'm very new to the deck, so the build might not be the best. I'm using standard ratios for all the VW cards. Not having XYZ hurts the deck a lot, but for some reason, it was still very playable for me. I added 2 Upstart Goblins; otherwise, the deck felt way too bricky. If the opponent doesn’t have an out to Shenshen, its macro effect is an instant win in most matchups (aside from Exodia). A Black Goat Laughs comes in clutch as discard fodder, basically working like an Imperm from the grave if discarded, and as a turn-ender if set and you call the right name.
I've often cut Yazi to include Thunder Dragon Colossus with 3x Nemeses Corridor, since it's almost always live in our combo.
The 3x Dark Ruler can be swapped out for whatever. I tried running 3x Lava Golem, but they weren’t great, since sometimes the normal summon was really needed.
You can see two replays one going second vs Centurion White Forest and one going first vs Branded Tear in my Master Duel profile!
My Konami-ID is: 999-209-446
P.S.: The one against Centurion White Forest was a time loss for the opponent, but because of VW recursion we would have won regardless, since Shenshen revives in our turn and we already had one additional pop with Chuche.