
Master I from on August 20th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

tl;dr I really don't like tear

Wanted to try getting to Master 1 with a tiered deck for once

Labrynth is what I currently play in the TCG, so it's something I wanted more practice on before YCS Vancouver. What I did not expect was still having to deal with the stupid blue mermaid deck over and over. I'd remove the ishizus if that weren't the case.

This is the list I hit Master 1 with, but there are definitely places you can change based on preference.

  • I think resolving Get Out is an amazing comeback tool, especially if you can hit Rulkallos + Kaleido with it. It's also really good against the pendulum decks that seem to have become prominent given the prevalence of graveyard hate going around (remember that summoning from the extra deck includes them!). I elected not to play IDP because shufflers blank it and anything with dragoon level protection is better off just being beaten over, but that or Terrors of the Overroot would be good replacements (I would use Terrors in the deck if it wasn't UR)
  • 3 Cooclock is really good for such a fast combo-heavy format if you can fit 3 in, as soon as they delete tear from existence that is. A turn 0 pop is usually pretty negligible for them compared to dumping a shuffler.
  • Zombiestein's super situational (really good under skill drain though), he's just in there because I have a royal. Other things you can change include Bagooska and Garura (I don't have enough UR dust for Bucephalus) but they bait Unicorn easily.
  • Chaos Angel is good but given I'm practicing lines for real life where the card is like $80 CAD I wanted to try not using it, which is overall fine. It doesn't come up very much (I disagree with people who play the deck like chaos angel turbo), but it's better than some of the other cards in my extra deck.
  • Rock is good. CL1 rock CL2 furniture goes hard.
  • I do not like Skill Drain :)

Proud to be the first ranked ladder list on MDM to be running Get Out lmfao

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