Dragon Link

Master I from on February 21st, 2025
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 840
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Against New Meta, with lots of hyper consistent 1 card starter Heavy combo turn 1, meaningfull handtrap are needed. 60C list to dilute bricks

Extra deck choice :

  • standard dragonlink Core ED (9) = 2 striker, pisty, seal, romulus, Dillingerous, Savage, Dispater and Borrelend
  • The rest of ED is dedicated for Going 2nd
  • Chaos Angel because light and dark material are lots and searchable (mostly from seyfert/wyverburster + any bystial), sometimes it win the game on its own
  • Underworld Goddess surprise element can win you game, and an out to tower, also can link away your opponent link 2 (looking at you SP/IP/Rage)
  • SP + raiders knight + arc rebellion, SP synergy with arc rebellion is usually opponent lower their guard due to sp clause of not attacking directly which most of the time means no lethal this turn, and it forces 2 interuption, then arc rebellion can finish the job, even better than borrelend
  • Atum is both extender, and also weird hand fixer, 2 bystial = atum = BMD = full combo
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Lots of Replay this season

in game replay : 225-502-321

Youtube Link

  1. https://youtu.be/98kxvIJ5GGs
  2. https://youtu.be/0NwK_LA0RxI
  3. https://youtu.be/8MovgbyBJFU
  4. https://youtu.be/7Y0T7LvnEnM
  5. https://youtu.be/1-uHwKQQjoc