Tenpai Dragon

Master I from on February 19th, 2025
cp-ur 1230 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The format is miserable so decided to play a miserable deck. I played like absolute garbage after having skipped the last 8 months of ranked and still made it, so if you want a free ride to M1, just play Tenpai.

Matchup spread was mostly tearlaments, mirrors, yubel and random stun-adjacent decks with a small amount of snake eye and white forest.

Purulia was absolutely awful as snake eye can do their entire combo and only give you one single draw (from the Diabellstar summon) and it sucks to draw in the mirror. It also feels horrible to draw when your opponent draws Engraver. I decided to cut it down to one and I'll probably cut it completely going forward. It was only really good against white forest since they are forced to give you multiple draws immediately.

I cut Dora Dora for the Gold Sarc engine as it doesn't take your normal summon and Genroku plays around Effect Veiler. Droll gave me an almost 100% win rate if I resolved it on the first turn. Almiraj to turn a handtrap + bystial into Hiita into Promethean into revive a Tenpai if I couldn't kill turn one came up a couple of times.

Also decided to cut Nibiru due to the sheer amount of Tearlaments/stun/mirrors I was playing against. With a more competitive matchup spread I would definitely play some amount of Nibiru.

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