White Forest Azamina

Master I from on February 16th, 2025
cp-ur 1260 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Kashtira Unicorn Overperformed Helps Me With The Handtraps Like Maxx C Since Unicorn + Birth + Handtraps was usually enough to survive.

Kashtira Helped With Consitency Unicorn + Birth + Any Monster Is Full Combo

Beatrice + Elf Legal is straight up broken

Sinful Spoils Morianne Overperformed Book Of Moon + Handtraps after getting Maxx C'ed crushed most decks. Book of moon + WF board was just way too much even against multiple boardbreakers.

Guardian Chimera + WSFF Underperformed Maxx C + Fuwaloss + Droll meta made it pretty hard to get the full combo off so didn't help me that much. Morianne was just more valuable since it didn't need any setup. Like Guardian for example needs monsters in hand and i really dont wanna fuse away my handtraps sometimes.

Incredible Fuwaloss Lines White Forest Full Combo is 2 draws / 3 if you wanna add Ilia Silvia. But still stops me from getting the WSFF lines so it got cut.

Chaos Angel Overperformed Pretty good replacement since it allowed me to finish games much much easier. Especially with Maxx C + Fuwaloss legal i have to for a finish if i can. Decks Like SE would just kill me next turn so i just go for it.

Of Course WFSS + Guardian Chimera is more optimal based on how the top players are running it along with tournament results but it's very crucial to tweak your deck based on your Daily Ladder Matchup's and this deck was based off of that. It's not optimal but its made to beat the daily matchups and ladder situations i was dealt with.

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