If the Yu-Gi-Oh! DB website asks to login with Game Card ID just click "I don't have a game card ID" and fill some basic information to proceed
Export Guide
- Via the MDM extension (Recommended): Download on Firefox, or Chromium Browsers For Chromium browsers (Chrome/Edge/Opera/Brave...etc) just click "Add to chrome" on the store page and it'll work on most if not all chromium browsers. After using the extension, go to the Master Duel game => Main menu => Deck option => The Card database option at the top right corner => locate the deck you exported and copy it
Once the deck page loads click Edit then do one of the following based on the platform your device is running:
(PC Only): Press F12 to open the DevTools window => Navigate to the Console tab in the window => Paste the export code => Hit Enter
OR (Other platforms/PC): In the address bar of the current tab remove the URL and type "javascript:" without the quotations then paste the export code, then if you're on mobile look for the *globe* icon and tap on it to run the code (Chrome only), for PC users just hit enter.
The deck will save automatically
Go to the Master Duel game => Main menu => Deck option => The Card database option at the top right corner => locate the deck you exported and copy it
Standard Tenpai build that works well for the current Fiendsmith meta. If stun is super popular again during this next DC then the sky striker variant might be better for that