Notes & Combos
Climbed from Master 5 to Master 1 in less than a week with this deck, playing on and off. Deck felt really good. I was playing around with some ratios on handtraps, including playing imperm, but ultimately decided to play Gamma alongside Called By/Crossout instead in order to counter Maxx "C" in DP AND rip a card with Omega, shoutout to my friend Grima for the idea. Ash, Maxx "C" and Shifter are all standard handtraps to play, so no comment there.
I sometimes felt like a little bit more consistency was needed, but whenever that happened, Thrust came in clutch to save the day anyways, its genuinely such a broken card and was active most of the time. Going first, I get handtrapped, I try to continue playing then set Appointer to rip a card off the hand. Oh no, I got Gamma'd or Nib'd? Well, depending on whether we used Theosis or Birth, we can search Prosperity to dig for a name/Birth or Theosis if we didn't use it. If Terraforming were legal, we would easily search it and continue our plays from there. Going second, we can easily search Talents, Herald or Harpie's depending on the matchup (Kash, Purrely, Lab, respectively for a few examples). Or just more combo pieces. I know I've talked so much about this card but man, its a real game changer.
2x Tactics, 2x Lance, 2x Riseheart felt good. I never minded opening Tactics + Thrust, since I could do a double-rip if the opponent HT'd me in the MP (exlcuding Imperm). Lance is mostly to counter Triple Tac take, Change of Heart, Imperm, Books, etc on Arise-Heart, but can also be used on Purrelyeap's target so it fizzles. Played 2x Riseheart since we're mostly searching him with Fenrir anyways and never wanted to brick on him.
Scareclaw Kash rarely came up, but its always nice to have it to special itself easily and acts as an in-archetype Bagooska counter. Same thing Tear Kash, but it sets up our GY or banishes the opponent's top 3. Both are good to have in hand vs Purrely to stop their when effects on their Xyz monsters in the MP. No need for Ogre or Preparations, not good enough.
The Extra Deck is mostly easy to swap around. Garura and Goliath are there to attach to Arise-Heart when using Prosperity. Omega as well, but can also be made using Gamma + Driver if we counter a HT. 3x Shangri to use one for full-mat Arise-Heart, and 2x Arise-Heart because its generally agreed upon. Donner is removable, never really used it. Big Eye, Dracoback and Omega were the most used out of the generic cards in ED.