Notes & Combos
This was a fun challenge to reach Master V, instead of going heavy on hand traps we go heavy on regular traps and eldlich cards, with white forest mostly there to provide additional gas for recovering on followup turns. Psychic end punisher comes up all the time as an easy was to kill our opponent, especially with rollback cutting our Lifepoints down. Eldlich traps give plenty of fuel for white forest plays, grass to get rollback in grave easily. Trap single handedly takes down tenpei because you can copy rollback and then karma cannon them from the grave. magicians souls is a huge consistency boost. Plays really well by ignoring all the handtraps our opponent's use, and talents/thrust can punish heavily going 1st or 2nd.
If you want to watch my replays you can go to the "Friends" icon in the top right of the main screen, click the icon in the top right of a person's outline with a "+" symbol, search my code in the ID lookup (938-660-996), and you can watch some of my replays.
I have a ton of great replays vs Fiendsmith Snake Eyes, Yubel, Exodia and more here: