Notes & Combos
Droll & Lock Bird
best handtrap in the format where almost every deck on ladder runs a fiendsmith engine
Soul Release
necessary evil against fiendsmith decks. plays really well into the tearlaments matchup too (they all run fiendsmith engine now anyway)
3 tends to brick your starting hand especially if you draw 2 or more, so I run 2
in my opinion, striker can still manage to play around droll effectively if your first draw is impactful enough (thrust/engage draw 2). at worst kagari is still able to return something else other than engage
in a meta where almost every deck runs droll, I feel that deck thinners (e.g. upstart goblin, into the void) can effectively cripple your turn if you don't have a response to it. I run more boardbreakers to compensate for this
Forbidden Droplet
droplet is really strong in this deck since fiendsmith omni negate is non targettable. sets up for a lot of good plays too
Cosmic Cyclone
greatly helps against bad matchups such as sefk / centur-ion / voiceless
but since these matchups aren't as frequent now, this is the most replaceable card of the deck
Dimension Barrier
tenpai counter. this card will always be useful in the grindgame against almost any matchup after turn 2
Extra Deck
standard list, everything came up useful at least once.
dharc is especially good since he can summon the azamina omni negate (which clears itself from the main monster zone too)
however, accesscode rarely comes up as compared to last season since widow anchor is usually negate bait against the 2 omni negates that every fiendsmith azamina deck vomits out