Notes & Combos
Snake-Eyes Fiendsmith is a 3 engine deck that search many one card starters that bridge together to end on over 8 disruptions. 3 engines consist of
- Snake-Eyes
- Fiendsmith
- Azamina almost half the deck consist of hand traps which can really stun your opponent from playing the game turn 1. Snake-Eyes Fiendsmith engine is very well established in terms of ratios, the handtraps are what really deviates other decks.
MVP: TTT was very clutch due to how much one card combos can be accessed. In a format with one card combos and a million hand traps, I mainly ripped cards from my opponent's hand.
- hand traps may vary from player to player due to budget and format.
- Snake-eyes Doomed Dragon can be replaced with what ever you prefer. D/D/D, Underworld Goddess, etc.
For All content Runick related and Snake-eyes, check out my channel at: