Superheavy Samurai

Master V from on February 22nd, 2025
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck plays well going first or second, can defeat Fiendsmith appo board if you draw enough gas. Can play through almost all interactions if you anticipate it. Save called by for droll or maxx as ash doesnt do much to stop a good end board. Optimal end board is Spright with I:P in grave naturia beast, sarutobi and set scyth, baron, and therion.

had about a 75% win rate climb from diamond 3 to master V probably wont go for master 1 as I personally dislike the fiendsmith meta

Added in dyna as a granite target in diamond 1 in case combo gets stopped by droll or going 2nd.

Ty-phon is ok but now that most endboards have desirae he is interchangable with other options.

No replays yet may add some if requested.

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