Snake-Eye Fiendsmith

Win Streaks from on February 14th, 2025
cp-ur 1410 + cp-sr 240
42 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my Snake-Eye deck I used to get Master 1. Its entirely built to facilitate a one card combo that gets you to your full board (Snake eye/Fiendsmith/Azamina full combo, with a Black Goat in GY) through Nibiru. I had played this deck a lot while testing and playing for the EUWCQ 24 (without the Azaminas ofc) so I found it to fit me best. If anyone cares about the combo let me know so i can share a replay with u. And for all of you asking why no Imperm, there are a couple reasons, main reason being it doesnt synergize with nibiru and bystials that well. Also im not playing random one ofs to maybe use with the one of crossout. Anima over Linkuriboh because its an important part of said one card combo to Access Selene. Enough yapping. Enjoy!

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